Laying The Foundation

Answers for the following Home Study Lesson questions are taken directly from Laying the Foundation by Pastor James Lee Beall, published by Logos International of Plainfield, New Jersey.

  Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson One  

1.  Why is it important to establish a foundation for our Christian belief?

We cannot stand without a foundation.  When storms or heresies come we must be firm in what we believe in order to resist temptation and not to be deceived into wrong practice.  The end of deception is sin and separation from Christ. Matt 7:21-23.  Also without a foundation how can we go on to deeper truth and how can we be a witness to others?

2.  What are the six foundation stones or principles of Christ?  (Heb 6:1-3)

Repentance from Dead Works
Faith toward God
Doctrine of Baptism
Laying on of Hands
Resurrection of the Dead.
Eternal Judgment

3.  What is Repentance?

Repentance is an about face from sin and dead works.  It is an entire change of mind resulting in a total change of life.  It is a command from God. Acts 17:30  It is also a gift from God as He enables us to repent. Acts 11:18  Repentance touches our whole being, emotions, will, intellect and spirit.  Matt 22:37, 38

4.  What spiritual change results from the work of repentance in our lives?

It makes us a new creature before God.  II Cor 5:17    It changes us from death to life as the Holy Spirit makes us alive, Eph 2:1.  It changes us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, Col 1:13, 14.  It changes us to alienation from God to acceptance, Eph. 2:12, 13.

5.  What does sin do to us?

It breaks our fellowship with God and makes us less of the person we were intended to be, I John 3:21.
Sin creates guilt.  Our conscience rings that inner alarm when we are confronted with right and wrong and we choose the wrong.  We have a sense of being unrighteous but God is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us of unrighteousness. I John 1:9

6.  What hinders us from walking in the Light?

We condemn ourselves forgetting that salvation is not just a one-time event.  Jesus’ blood works for sins past, present and future.  We confuse temptation for sin, James 1: 14, 15.  We confuse condemnation for the reproof of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8: 1, 2.  We try to earn our forgiveness, Acts 5:31.

 Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Two  

1.  How does repentance differ from remorse and what is meant by “poverty of spirit”?

Repentance turns us to God and gives life.  Remorse causes despair and leads to death.
Poverty of spirit is the awareness that we cannot earn God’s favor.  It is awareness of our
Bankruptcy and inability to please God.

2.  What are the four manifestations of repentance?

Specific confession of sin to God.
Restitution to men and other evidences of fruit in our lives.
The forsaking of sin.
Water Baptism

3.  What are the results of repentance?

Joy in Heaven, forgiveness and pardon by God, reception of the Holy Spirit and new life pattersn.

4.  Contrast dead works with grace.

Dead works include everything we do without relying upon God and drawing from His life whereas grace is a free gift without reference to merit or worthiness.  It is the exact opposite of earning merit through works.

5.  What does condemnation do to us?

It produces a deep unsureness or lack of confidence toward God.

6.  Why is reformation not repentance?

Reformation deals only with the surface; repentance is a change of heart.  God is always concerned with the heart which is the root of our conduct.

 Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Three  
1.  What four aspects of faith are brought out by the Hebrew words for trust?

Faith takes refuge within the person.
Faith means relying upon someone who is completely trustworthy.
Letting go of our burdens into the hands of another.
Free us from our own efforts and enables us to stay upon God.

2.  What is the difference between presumption and assumption?

Presumption is to dare, to take too much upon one’s self.
Assumption is to limit God.  We take things for granted or suppose something is true
without basis in fact.

3.  In what three ways will our conduct be changed by faith?

We can love other believers.  I John 5:2
We can keep God’s commandments.  I John 5:3
We can even overcome the present world system.  I John 5:4

4.  In what three ways does God give witness to Himself in heaven and on earth?

In Heaven:  Spirit, Water, Blood  I John 5: 6, 7

On Earth:  The Blood of cleansing and forgiveness; the waters of Baptism; The empowering of the Holy Spirit.

5.  How can we be sure God will answer our prayers?

Because we pray in accord with His will.  I John 5:14,15

6.  What is the difference between expiation and propitiation?

Expiation deals with satisfying the legal penalties for sin while propitiation deals with restoring personal relationship and favor.

7.  Explain how a substitutionary sacrifice could satisfy God’s requirements for righteousness. 

 Jesus has paid the price on our behalf and thus satisfied the legal requirements of the law that sin must be paid for by blood.  This is expiation.  He can now have fellowship with us because we have His righteousness imputed to us.  This is propitiation.

 Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Four  

1.  What is the difference between assurance and justification?

Assurance is a subjective experience or an inner sureness resulting from the exercise of faith.  Justification is a judicial decree or declaration of God.  God declares us righteous.

2.  How is forgiveness related to justification?

Justification includes forgiveness of sin on the basis of the penalty already paid by Christ.  Forgiveness follows the payment of penalty as prescribed.  The central purpose of God’s forgiveness is to restore fellowship with man.

3.  List the five means by which we are justified.

By grace, by the blood of Christ, by the resurrection of Christ, by faith, and by works that show our faith to be real.

4.  List the four rights of redemption as given under Old Testament Law.

a) to purchase back forfeited inheritance, b) to ransom kinsman from bondage to a foreigner, c) to avenge the death of a near kinsman and maintain the family honor, d) to marry the widow of the deceased kinsman.

5.  What are the visible results of redemption in our lives?

We have zeal for righteousness, a spontaneous and joyful return to God, a freedom from sinful habits and a deep knowledge of belonging to God.

6.  What is “living by faith”?

            It means that we not only begin our walk with God by exercising faith toward God, but we continue walking with Him in the same way.  Living by faith is trustful receptivity.  You really need faith as you walk through the valley of trial and temptation.  Once you have walked through the valley your faith is strengthened even more for the future.  Faith is an exercise.  Faith begets faith.

Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Five  
1.  Briefly describe the nature and purpose of John’s baptism.

John was to prepare the people to receive the message of Christ.  They needed to repent of their sins and dead works.  Not only were the hills and low places of sin leveled out but the mindset of dependence upon the Jewish traditions and Jewish leaders.

2.  In what ways did John point the people toward the Messiah?

            1.  Preached the kingdom of God was at hand as did Jesus.
            2.  Preached repentance from dead works.
            3.  Brought the Law to an end.
            4.  As forerunner to Christ he pointed his followers to Jesus.

3.  Give four reasons why Jesus needed to be baptized by John.

            Fulfill all righteousness
            Fulfill requirements for priesthood
            Present Himself as the Lamb of God
            Begin His ministry by confessing the sins of the world

4.  What different ways did the Holy Spirit come to Jesus?

            In the form of a dove
            The Holy Spirit stayed upon Jesus and did not leave.

5.  Why does one need water baptism when he has already repented of sin and believed upon Christ?

            It is essential to new birth.
            It marks one as a Christian and part of the family of God.
            It is an expression of repentance.
            It is an expression of faith and an act of obedience.

6.  What is baptism in experiential terms?

            Baptism is a burial.
            Baptism is a resurrection.
            Baptism is a stripping away of the carnal nature.

  Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Six  

1.  What do we learn about baptism from Israel’s passing through the Red Sea?

            Baptism is a memorial.
            It involves confession.
            It involves determination to follow the Lord.
            It announces a separation.
            It reveals a new identity.

2.  Why did the disciples baptize in the name of Christ?

            They were told to.  It shows allegiance to Christ.  He is the fullness of the Godhead.  Other things are to be done in His name.  Jesus is our personal leader.

3.  Contrast the Old Covenant with the New Covenant.

            Old Covenant written on tables of stone while the new is written on the heart.
            Old requires sacrifice of goats and lambs while the new looks to Christ.
            Old requires outward obedience while the new requires the right heart.

4.  How is a circumcised heart different from our old heart?

            We are free to love God and live. Deut 30:6
            We can worship in Spirit and truth.  Phil 3:3
            Our inner rebellion is destroyed.  Deut 10:16
            We can begin to hear God and respond.  Acts 7:51
            We become receptive to the Holy Spirit.  Ezek 36:26-28

5.  How is water baptism related to salvation?

            Water baptism does not save us in and of itself.  It is an act of obedience to a saving faith given to us through the grace of God.

6.  What does God use to bring about our regeneration?

His Word, Water Baptism, the Holy Spirit, a knowledge of God in Christ, constant fellowship and repentance as we work out our salvation through the process of sanctification.  Salvation is past, present and future, and corresponds with justification, sanctification and glorification.  Water baptism contributes to the process of sanctification but is not necessary for initial salvation.

Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Seven  

1.  Is anything real transferred through the laying on of hands?

God transfers his own blessing through our hands.  Joseph was concerned because Israel put his right hand on Ephraim instead of Manasseh.  Gen 48:14-16  Jacob went to great lengths to get the blessing from Isaac.  Gen 27

2.  What is the meaning of the right hand?

The right hand is used to enter covenant.  It declares fellowship.  It is the place of honor, strength and power.

3.  What terms for Baptism in the Holy Spirit are used in scripture?

John the Baptist used the term Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  Jesus spoke of it as the “promise  of my Father” Luke 24:49a, “clothed with power from on high” Luke 24:49b, the “Spirit descending as a dove” John 1:32, and “a well of water springing up” John 4:14

4.  In what way is the Spirit’s coming really a baptism?

It is God’s cutting edge of redemption, working deep within us where it counts.

5.  What spiritual blessings are imparted through the laying on of hands?

Blessings like when Jesus blessed the children.  Impartation of spiritual gifts.  Paul told us not to lay hands on anyone suddenly.  Healing is done through the laying on of hands.  Transfer of authority through the commissioning of elders.

6.  What happens when we as disciples lay hands upon the sick?

God imparts healing power to the sick through us as believers.

7.  What is the basis of kingdom living?

The basis of kingdom living is giving.  We must pass on what God gives if we are to continue to grow.  The Dead Sea is dead because it keeps everything it receives.

Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Eight  

1.  How do we know spiritual gifts are imparted through the laying on of hands?

Real change results.  Rom 1:11  The person finds a new spiritual dimension added to his or her life.

2.  In what ways does the laying on of hands and prophesy make our Christian walk easier?

Prophecy opens the understanding so we may know God’s calling.  Eph 1:18
Prophecy gives us a spiritual weapon for fighting the good fight of faith. I Tim 1:18,19

Prophecy serves as a revelation to the church so that we get support.  Acts 13:2,3

3.  What three reasons does the Bible give for the ascension ministry gifts?
            1.  Equipping of the saints for the work of service

            2.  Building up of the body of Christ

            3.  So that all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God

4.  How does the laying on of hands help establish God’s leaders?

Shows God appointed leadership
Insures obedience of the people
Communicates challenge and strengthens
Includes impartation of spiritual enabling

5.  Give several meanings for the word “confirmation” from the Latin and the Greek?

To strengthen in resolution
To establish in position
To make secure
To make firm in commitment
To stabilize

6.  How does confirmation serve a real purpose in our lives?

It adds validity to recently learned truth via public approval.
It strengthens inner convictions through approval of elders.
It completes conversion and initiation through impartation of inner strength
It provides orderly transition to more advanced study.
It provides support knowing we are part of something bigger.

  Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Nine  

1.  What happens to the soul and spirit of the believer versus the unbeliever?  

The soul and spirit of the believer go to paradise to await the resurrection while the soul and spirit of the unbeliever go to sheol or hades to await final judgment.

2.  What is the difference between the first and second death?

The first is physical but the second is spiritual separation from God.

3.  List four adjectives which describe the resurrection body.

Limitless, personal, tangible, unimpaired

4.  Will we recognize each other after death?  Give reasons for your answer.

Yes, Jesus did and He is the first fruits of many brethren.

We will live by the power of the Holy Spirit and so will remember all that we desire.  We will be able to learn without impairment.

5.  What are the five basic facts of the gospel?

Christ died.
Christ was buried.
Christ rose from the dead.
Christ appeared to His disciples.
Christ ascended.

6.  What are some of the infallible proofs of Jesus resurrection?

They include the open grave; the power of the disciples; Biblical record of Jesus appearance; changed day of worship; interpretation of Old Testament prophecies.

7.  How did God try to prepare the people for Jesus resurrection?

In many ways including Old Testament promises; types; miracles; Jesus claim to the “I AM”; Jesus’ predictions; Jesus miracles.

 Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Ten  

1.  List five of the eleven witnesses who saw Jesus after His resurrection and tell why they stood out to you.

            Cleophas and Simon because Jesus shared with them His prophecies.
            Ten apostles because it showed that Jesus was a real physical person.
            Eleven apostles because he addressed Thomas’ doubts and showed flesh and bone but no blood.
            The apostles at Tiberias because He addresses Peter’s guilt.
            The apostles at the mount because it portends Jesus’ return.

2.  What did Jesus accomplish through His ascension?

          Historical continuity
            He can permeate all things with His spiritual presence.
            He is ascended above all His enemies.  He is in control.
            He functions as High Priest and intercedes for us.
            He gave special ministry gifts to the church.
            He sent the Holy Spirit to abide with us and empower us.

3.  What is the threefold significance of Christ becoming our firstfruits?

            Jesus is the sample of the resurrection we will experience.  I John 3:2
            Jesus gave His life in order to communicate it to many others.  John 12:24
            Jesus is the guarantee of more resurrections to follow.  I Cor 15:23,24

4.  In what ways does the hope of resurrection change our present living?

            We purify ourselves; we live with others in peace; we deny ourselves to develop practical righteousness; we forget the past and press toward the goal in Christ; we comfort and build each other up.

5.  What did Jesus accomplish during His time in the heart of the earth?

            Jesus carried Paradise to Heaven and paved the way for us to go to God at death.
            Jesus removed the sting of death, that we need not sorrow.
            He brought the gospel to those who died before His time.  I Pet 3:18
            He defeated all the powers of Satan and became head of the church
            He destroyed the bondage we experience through the fear of death.  Heb 2:14

6.  What happens to our souls and spirits after we die?

            We immediately enter Paradise/Heaven to be with God. Luke 23:43, II Cor 5:8

  Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Eleven  
  1.  Describe God’s judgments.

            God’s judgment is eternal.  It is final and true.
            God’s judgment is temporal in that it changes when we repent, that is when it has its’ intended effect.

2.  Why is final judgment necessary?

            Human justice is inadequate.  Only God’s justice is not corrupted.
            God by nature is absolutely just.  He must deal with good and evil.
            God’s justice must be vindicated.
            God delights in judgment because it reveals His love.
            The certainty of judgment affects our behavior now.

3.  List the six judgments which meant making things new.

            Judgment at the Cross
            Believer’s self-judgment
            Judgment Seat of Christ
            Judgment of Israel
            Judgment of Gentile Nations
            Great White Throne Judgment

4.  How is eternal judgment related to resurrection?

            The first resurrection is for believers who will face the Judgment Seat of Christ to determine rewards and position in the new kingdom.
            The second resurrection is for those who died without Christ.  They will face the judgment of condemnation at the Great White Throne Judgment.

5.  How can we have confidence before Christ at the Judgment Seat?

            We can have confidence because we have confidence in the effectiveness of Christ’s shed blood on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.  We have more confidence as we see God working out our sanctification in our lives.  We cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the process of self-judgment.

6.  Why do we have power to resist both the devil and the pulls of the world?

            We have power to resist the devil and the world because Christ has defeated both.  We have to remember that the power of the devil and the pull of the world have been defeated by Christ, then we can live in Christ’s power and nip any wrong thoughts in the bud.  We must be disciplined to remember who we are in Christ.

Laying the Foundation                                   Home Study Lesson Twelve  

1.  List five opportunities for self-judgment.

            Lord’s supper
            Tests and trials of faith
            Holy Spirit in our heart
            Undershepherds tell us
            Affliction can call attention

2.  What is chastening?

            It means to inflict suffering upon someone for the purpose of moral improvement.  If we fail to judge ourselves, God chastens us.

3.  What four words describe the nature of Christ’s judgment on our works?

            Manifest:  To make apparent, clear or known.  The inner heart will be known.
            Declare:  To tell, relate, point out or specify.  We will give verbal account.
            Revealed:  To uncover, disclose.  Self-deception will be impossible.
            Try:  To test, put to the proof.  Fire will separate the worthless from the approved.

4.  What categories of works will be distinguished at the Judgment Seat?

            Stewardship of time, money, opportunities to share Christ and gifts and graces
            Relationships:  how we treat other believers and discern the Body of Christ
            Reaction to suffering for Christ
            Our personal discipline or how we run the race
            Personal fruitfulness or character development
            Overcoming of temptation
            Our exercise of authority over others

5.  What is the purpose of the Great White Throne Judgment?

            To make known God’s power.  Rom 9:22
            To complete justice.  Rom 2:5,6
            To assign destiny to the wicked.  Rev 20:14,15
            To reward works with eternal consequences.  Gal 6,7

6.  What part will believers have in the Great White Throne Judgment?

            They will assist Christ as He judges wicked men and fallen angels.  Rev 2:26, I Cor 6:2,3