Corporate Redemption 2:11 - 3:21
V11-13:  Paul now turns his attention to the application of redemption to the Gentiles.  Gentiles are now made near to God by the blood of Christ.  Gentiles were dead and without hope.  They were separated from the promises made to the nation of Israel.  Now all these things apply.

V14-18:  Now Jews and Gentiles are included in one body, the church.  Jews throughout the ages looked down on Gentiles.  The Jews were the chosen people and enjoyed a special place in God's economy.  Tremendous animosity existed between them but now there is peace between all those who name Christ as Lord.  Yet not all who call themselves Christian serve Him as Lord.  But that is for another time.

Here in verse 15 Paul tells us that the law of commandments has been abolished through the sacrifice of Christ.  Christ came and fulfilled the law so that we no longer have to sacrifice animals.  Now Jews who believe in Christ no longer have to worry about a temple.  Instead we all have access to the Father through the Spirit.  When Jesus died on the cross the veil of the Temple was torn in two exposing the Holy of Holies.  Access to God was no longer confined to the Temple.

V19-22:  We are the new Temple.  As the body of Christ we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus being the chief corner stone.  The intent is that God would make His habitation with us.  We were created for His glory and to enjoy fellowship with Him.

Application:  How do you practice the presence of God?  Does the fact that He lives in you change the way you live?  Do you live with a sense of reverence and awe as you live in His presence?

Ch3 V1-6:  Paul tell us of the mystery hidden from people throughout the ages that is now revealed.  Paul tells us he is the prisoner of Christ to minister to the gentiles.  That is the mystery.  The Gentiles make up the larger part of the church of Christ in a church age that has lasted 2,000 years.  Who would have thought that the church age would last this long. 

Also hidden from the Jews was God's plan of redemption.  Paul was able to convince many that Jesus was the Christ from the Old Testament scriptures.  Among those scriptures was Psalm 22 that depicts the crucifixion and Isaiah 53 that described the suffering Messiah.  The Jews thought they knew what God would or would not do.  We have a sovereign God and He knows best.

Application:  What is the sovereign God doing in your life that you don't understand?  What is your reaction?

V7-12:  Paul now tells us of his part as a minister of the gospel.  He was made a minister by a gift of God's grace.  Application:  What gift has God given you and what use are you making of it?

V8:  Paul tells us he is the least of all saints.  He still sees his persecution of the church as a source of his humility.  He actively worked against the Lord he now loves and serves.  It is now his privilege to preach the gospel to the gentiles.  Application:  Are there things in your life that keep you humble?  Paul had some infirmity that he asked the Lord three times to deliver him from but God said that His grace was sufficient.  Do you see God's grace as sufficient for you?

V9:  This is a kind of side note but is significant.  Paul tells us plainly that God created all things through Jesus Christ.  This agrees with John in his gospel in the first chapter that Jesus is the agent of creation.

V10-12:  As God's plan is revealed we have to stand in awe.  His plan was from the beginning and Jesus' sacrifice was the key.  Through that sacrifice we can stand before God as righteous and can have access to Him with boldness and confidence.  Wow.